Exceptional Work Permit

Exceptional Situations

Work permits can be given exceptionally to the foreigners status of whom is stated in following articles, provided that they do not act against the national regulations and stick to the regulations concerning vocational services unless otherwise is provided by the bilateral or multilateral contracts of which Turkey is a party.

Extension or cancellation of exceptional work permits is subject to the procedure in the general procedure of the regulations. Also if it is detected that the necessities of the relevant vocational regulations are not fulfilled, exceptional work permits are cancelled. Decisions concerning these are transmitted to the relevant authorities.

Those Married to A Turkish Citizen

Foreigners, who are married to a Turkish citizen and living in Turkey within marriage union, and legally residing in Turkey, can directly apply to the Ministry without the requirement of period condition about residence.
If the marriage ends before 3 years is completed or if it is detected that the marriage was not for starting a family union, work permit loses is validity. If the foreigner keeps working with this permit, he/she will be considered working and employed illegal. The Ministry records the information to the work permit.

Foreigners Considered Settled

If a marriage union with a Turkish citizen ends after at least 3 years, exceptional work permit can still be given to the foreigner provided that they are residing in Turkey legally.

Settled foreigner means persons who are considered within this context in terms of residence permits by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. These foreigners must transmit the document they obtained from security offices to indicate their situation, along with other documents during the application.

Children of Foreigners Considered Settled

If a marriage union with a Turkish citizen ends after at least 3 years, the children produced with the Turkish citizen spouse may be given exceptional work permit provided that they are residing legally in Turkey.

Those Who Lost Turkish Citizenship

Foreigners who are in the context of the 19th, 27th and 28th articles of Turkish Citizenship Law numbered 403, can be given exceptional work permit provided that they provide evidence for their situation.

Underages Who Come to Turkey to Complete Their Education in Turkey

Those who were born in Turkey or came to Turkey as an underage according to his/her own national law or if he/she is stateless, according to the Turkish regulations, and graduated from vocational school, academy or university, the Ministry may give exceptional work permit provided that they provide evidence for their situation.

Those Within Settlement Law Numbered 2510

Foreigners considered refugee, fugitive or migrant as per Settlement Law numbered 2510 can be given exceptional work permit provided that they provide evidence for their situation.

Citizens of EU Member Countries and Their Spouse and Children

Citizens of a country member of EU and their spose and children who are not citizen of a country member of EU can be given exceptional work permit
The provisions of 6th and 7th articles, more in favor of foreigners getting into work market, of decision numbered 1/80 of European Economic Community – Turkey Association Council are reserved in line with 11th article of the mentioned decision.

Those Who Work in Embassies, Consulates and Turkish Representatives of International Institutions, and Their Spouses and Children

Those who work in service of technical, administrative personnel and diplomats working in embassies, consulates and representatives of international institutions, and their spouse and children can be given exceptional work permit in line with the opinions of Ministry upon applications transmitted to the Ministry through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, provided that it is within mutuality principle and limited to the duty term.

Those Who Come for A Short Term for Scientific, Cultural and Sportive Purposes

Foreigners, who come temporarily, for more than 1 month for scientific and cultural activities and for more than 4 months for sportive activities, can be given exceptional work permit.

Foreigners Who Have the Characteristic of Key Personnel

Key personnel, who are to be employed in any kind of construction business, for running a facility or getting a work done, or purchase of goods or service in contract or tender ways by the public organizations and institutions and ministiries who are authorized by the law, can be given exceptional work permit.

Work Permits of Those Who Are to Be Employed in Cultural Organizations and Religion Organizations and Foreign Teachers in Schools within Embassies or Consulates in Turkey

Residence permits of those for working purposes are given by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Permit applications are made through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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